Where Did You Study Dentistry?
Dr. Herres was raised in Wellsboro, a rural town in northern Pennsylvania, and he attended undergraduate school at Lycoming College in Williamsport. While he was in dental school at Temple University, he was the recipient of the prestigious health professional scholarship from the United States Navy. Upon receiving his degree, Dr. Herres was accepted into a one-year Advanced Education of General Dentistry (AEGD) residency at the Naval Hospital Great Lakes at the Navy Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, IL.
After graduating from his AEGD residency, Dr. Herres was selected to establish and run a comprehensive dental office at sea on board the Navy’s newest warship, the U.S.S. MESA VERDE. His time on board included two deployments and humanitarian relief in Haiti following the earthquake in 2010. At the end of his naval career, Dr. Herres was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for the diligent and excellent care he provided for his sailors.
It was during his residency training that Dr. Herres’ passion for periodontics (gum tissue diseases) and implantology arose. While his ship was ported in Norfolk, VA, he completed a three-year independent study in periodontics and implant placement with four of the Navy’s top periodontists.

What Kind of Advanced
Training Do
You Have?
Dr. Herres strongly believes in continuing education and strives to achieve the highest level of patient care. He has completed a one-year fellowship at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in the surgical placement and restoration of dental implants. Upon the completion of the fellowship, he became board-eligible for the American Board of Oral Implantology and is actively seeking the certification.
Dr. Herres received the Academy of General Dentistry Fellowship Award in June 2015. As a Fellowship Award recipient, Dr. Herres joins more than 6,400 active AGD Fellows who have gone above and beyond the basic requirements to care for their patients’ oral health. Less than 2% of practicing dentists have received this award.
Dr. Herres received the International Congress of Oral Implantologist Fellowship Award in August of 2014. The ICOI dates back to 1972 and is the world’s largest dental implant-focused continuing education provider.
Recently, Dr. Herres completed a year-long training session in IV anesthesiology through Allegheny General, Duquesne University, and Pittsburgh University. It is with this additional training that he hopes to break down the barrier of dental fear for anxious patients.
Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?
Dr. Herres resides in Elizabethtown, the hometown of his wife, the former April Perry. They have 3 young children, Benjamin, Ella, and Julia. As the father of a growing family, Dr. Herres understands how important oral health is to parents. He looks forward to providing superior care for the families of the Lancaster area for many years to come.